“I’m scared to be hypnotized!”
“What if I say or do something embarrassing?
"What if I don’t come out of it?”
“Will you make me cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog?”
Many people I talk to about hypnosis relate a story about something embarrassing or funny that happened at a stage show. They think these volunteers were completely out of control and had their minds taken over by a stranger for entertainment purposes.
The truth is, even people that were on stage and seemingly not knowing what or why they were doing funny things DID in fact know and were willing to have fun and go along with it. If you think back, you may remember the stage hypnotist asking for volunteers. As he began to guide those willing participants into trance, he observed who was most receptive to his initial suggestions. Often he asks some people to go back to their seats. Anyone who was willing to go on stage in the first place and then stay on stage during this process was a willing participant.
They could have stopped and walked off the stage or not accepted a suggestion at any time. There is always a part of us - a protective part that keeps us safe. If you are sound asleep in a smaller bed that you are not used to, you don’t fall out, right? This is a funny example but proves the point that part of you is always aware.
Old movies portray hypnosis with a crystal swinging in front of someone’s face as they fade off into an uncontrollable state. Hypnotherapy is completely different, (see FAQ for more information).
Hypnosis is a totally natural state that we all weave in and out of every day. Some examples are when you are lost in a movie or a good book, when you miss an exit or when you don’t remember driving to work. It even happens when someone is talking on the phone engaged in an overly long explanation and you start to fade off and daydream.
All of these are examples of a hypnotic state or a trance state. You’ll notice that in all of these examples your critical mind is not analyzing the situation. Instead you are in an open and relaxed state.
That being said, in any of these situations you could jump back into a wide awake alert state if the need should arise. This is true with hypnosis as well. You can always reject something you don’t agree with. For example if you were watching a movie and you didn’t like what was happening, you could reject the idea. This is why the suggestions that a trained hypnotherapist gives you are very important - they must be tailored to your specific situation and in agreement with what you truly want.
Hypnosis affects your brain waves similar to when you are beginning to fall into a deep restful sleep. In this learning state, you can gain access to your subconscious mind so you can better understand your inner motivations. This part of your brain is where your deepest intelligence resides. It is in this state, you can find answers and solutions to questions you may have struggled with your entire life. From this place you can see your self triumphant, successful, healthy (whatever you desire) and know exactly how to get there.
Whether you want to change a habit, understand your motivations or gain answers to life questions, you’ll need to open communication between your “every day normal mind” and the unconscious part of your brain where your true inner wisdom lies. Once you get all parts of your mind working together for a common goal instead of against each other, profound change takes place. If you have questions or wonder if hypnotherapy is right for you, schedule a free 20 minute consultation here.